Advanced Renamer 3.92 instal the last version for apple

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Some user interaction is required to setup the conditions to be able to exercise the vulnerability, but the attacker could conduct this attack time-delayed manner, where user interaction is not actively required. This vulnerability affects every local user of a Pixelfed server, and can potentially affect the servers' ability to federate. A proof of concept of this vulnerability exists.

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This vulnerability affects every version of Pixelfed between v0.10.4 and v0.11.9, inclusive. When processing requests authorization was improperly and insufficiently checked, allowing attackers to access far more functionality than users intended, including to the administrative and moderator functionality of the Pixelfed server. Pixelfed is an open source photo sharing platform. There is no impact on integrity and availability.

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It is possible to manipulate the URLs of data requests to access information that the user should not have access to. The SAP Fiori app (My Overtime Request) - version 605, does not perform the necessary authorization checks for an authenticated user which may result in an escalation of privileges.

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